onsdag 26 maj 2010


Aaaah the sweet taste of praise!
Yes indeed, my co-author Kaja read the outcast for a chapter I wrote during the progress of writing the background for my caracter. And she LOVED it!!! Yeeeeey happy, happy feelings are running trough my system right now.
As for the chapter that was not ment to be written till later, it is quite typical of me that my writing ends up in another direction then what was first intended.
The aim was to write down the background for my character, and yes, that is how it began. Only, after about say three pages it sort of drifted into something that started looking more and more like a chapter amongst the discriptions ment only for our eyes... So what I did was to sort the "chapter like text" out from the rest, and voilá two chickens came out of the same egg!
In other words, I ended up with both a decent background description and an outcast for a chapter.
So progress is being made beyond my intent, which of course is an excellent developement. And that Kaja liked and agreed to the content was a nice bonus.

This update to the blog will be a short one, for my brain is starting to fill up with fog... I am tired. Have been at this writing project all day, so I believe I deserv a break for the rest of today.
Hope y'all have had a nice and succesfull day, and will have a good evening as well.



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