tisdag 17 december 2013

Jitters! BIG time!!!

So today I finally sent an excerpt of my current book project to a friend for revising, and now I´m all jittery!
I know that it's only from the first draft, so I haven't really worked through it, but the butterflies are still gathering in my stomach area...
Will he like it, is it extremely bad, will it do what I set out for it to do to its reader?????? Millions of questions, and a few days before I'll know.
Is every author this nervous when letting a new set of eyes loose on his/hers baby?
For a book, or any other written project, is indeed the creators baby, in EVERY sense! Awe to anyone whom dear say something bad about it! And yet, criticism is what makes an author better... but there is a thin line. It hurts when one gets a bad review, it overjoys you when you receive a good one, and it kills you when there are none!
Like I've stated before, it is a nerve wrecking business to write, but it is also immensely rewarding.

Wow... time does fly!
And I have to get back to my writing, I have at least a dozen handwritten pages to type into Scrivener.



måndag 16 december 2013

Alas... she awoke!

So... I decided to breath life into my blog again, hoping to attract more readers this time around.
Obviously this blog is about my writing, books I'm reading or have read and off course samples from my ongoing projects.
I might even publish one or two poems ;-)

Now, just to be on the safe side, I will not promise to publish every day, seeing as I've never managed to accomplish that in the past, but I will promise to try to write something at least once a week.
How does that sound?

Oh and don't feel like you have to be a stranger, please comment, as me things, or write a poem of your own as a response to my posts, correct my spelling, point out grammatical errors or what ever you feel like. Just let me know you've stopped by!



måndag 27 september 2010

Wow time really does fly...

Ehurm... I see it´s been quite a while since I last wrote something here... sorry about that!
I will try to better myself, not that I have that many readers at the moment, but hopefully that will change in time.

So a little update then perheps.
Progress with writing has been nonexistent the past three months, in all areas. Summer is sadly enough the worst time for me, I can´t enjoy it, can´t think, can´t write... simply can´t exist at all. So therefor I have not updated this blog either, there has been nothing to report.
As the weather however grows colder, the days grow darker, this confused writer blossoms.
So my plan is to grab ahold of myself again, and seriously begin staring at the screen and my 8 or so dictionaries, and let the keyboard sing once again!

Where my co-author is concerned, not much has been done there during the summer either.
Meeting up with her this week hopefully to see where we stand with the project.
On my part I have decided to re-write the whole first chapter on our joined story, it just does not feel right. The language is CRAP! Which anoyes the bloody hell out of me obviously, for not only am I confused, I am also a big time perfectionist where my work is concerned. There simply is no room for crapy language, bad descriptions and such stupidity on my behalf.
I am very much acquainted with the saying "Kill your darlings"... as heartbreaking as it meight be it is sometimes very necessary for the sake of the story.
So that is basically where I stand at the moment, killing my darling, slowly, painfully dissecting him into itsy bitsy teenie weenie pieces of text, hoping to put him back togetter in a fashion that is fair to his beauty.

However non existant my writing has been during the summer, I have not been completely idle!
I have found loads and loads of music to work to, I have registered on yet another writing site where I plan on uploading my stories, I have pleasently discovered that my language skills in Sindarin are still good although I have not even opened the study books since early mars, AND lo and behold I have done some serious mindmapping on all of my stories!
Where I have failed miserabely is in my research on mixing the tenses... which I apperently do quite alot... I am still clueless as to whether this is acceptable or not. Some (the majority online anyway) say that it is where fantasy writing is concerned, some say it is not.
So basically what I will try to do is find myself a beta reader with english as a nativ language, whom can lead me on the right track in this matter.
Any one interested perheps?

Okey, enough small talk, time to hit the keyboard and do some productive writing!



lördag 12 juni 2010

Yeah, yeah I know...

and trust me, I have been working my shrinking butt of (I am on a diet, doctors orders) to finish the teaser chapter. However... this has proven to be quite the challenge!
Not only am I working part time, I am also in the middle of a diet (hence ALLWAYS hungry), AND I am having huge trubble with rewriting the excellent fightscen that my co-author handed to me, in my own words.
Not that there is anything wrong with what she wrote, it is merely a question of beeing her words instead of mine, mixed with what I have already written before and after the fight scen itself.

So even if it is taking alot longer then I had enticipated, it is on its way folks!
And make no mistake, I am working on it, hard non the less. The words are just not willing to co-operate with my brain at the moment.
Nope, thankfully it is not writersblock, merely a confused writer at her best!


onsdag 26 maj 2010


Aaaah the sweet taste of praise!
Yes indeed, my co-author Kaja read the outcast for a chapter I wrote during the progress of writing the background for my caracter. And she LOVED it!!! Yeeeeey happy, happy feelings are running trough my system right now.
As for the chapter that was not ment to be written till later, it is quite typical of me that my writing ends up in another direction then what was first intended.
The aim was to write down the background for my character, and yes, that is how it began. Only, after about say three pages it sort of drifted into something that started looking more and more like a chapter amongst the discriptions ment only for our eyes... So what I did was to sort the "chapter like text" out from the rest, and voilá two chickens came out of the same egg!
In other words, I ended up with both a decent background description and an outcast for a chapter.
So progress is being made beyond my intent, which of course is an excellent developement. And that Kaja liked and agreed to the content was a nice bonus.

This update to the blog will be a short one, for my brain is starting to fill up with fog... I am tired. Have been at this writing project all day, so I believe I deserv a break for the rest of today.
Hope y'all have had a nice and succesfull day, and will have a good evening as well.



onsdag 19 maj 2010

Been doing atleast a little writing...

My usual luck has once again shown it self.
Yesterday I was working all day on the novel that me and my good friend Kaija are co-authoring, since the plan was that we meet up today and go throu what we´ve been doing since last wednesday. The plan was to write down some background information on our caracters, she has a female pirate and I have a male one.
So as a result of that I wrote about two pages in word, which today I am glad I did.

However... today the phone rang and my daughters daycare centre called to tell me that she is sick and I have to go pick her up. Wohooo... so I did naturally, then a trip to the doctors at four. After that there has been no possible way for me to do any work, for she has needed me all day. And now... well now I am to darn tired.
So meeting up with my co-author was ofcourse canceld, and the rest of my week is set at taking care of my sick sweetheart. But atleast I managed to do most of my scheduled work yesterday, so I am ahead instead of behind.

Ah well, qué será será...
The most important thing is that my baby girl is taken care of.
It´s not like we have a deadline to meet, we don't have a publishers whip on our backs, so there is really no stress. The only deadline we need to meet is that of our own. And since this will be Kaija's first attempt at writing we will take it easy. Also we both have day jobs and I have a family to care for. So it will be finished in due time, not before.

Besides, I have other writing projects as well that I need to work on.
Especially the one where I have readers from now 26 countries, whom have been waiting for an update to the Legolas (LOTR) story I am writing for weeks now...
I am experiancing abit of a guilt trip at the moment on their behalf, for I do not wish to let them down. But there has simply not been any possibility for me to finish the third chapter yet. Will try my luck and do my outmost best this weekend, for after that I am beginig a new day job, and with my disease I get brainfog after a four hour working day. Which basicaly means that there is not a snowballs chance in hell I can write that day... Luckily I have wednesdays of, so I am hopeful I will be able to make up for lost writing ability on those days.

Take care!


lördag 15 maj 2010

Sources of inspiration!

Are something I collect as soon as I find one, or have the time for it.
And as a writer I can not help but look for inspiration and advice in other writers, so I collect their blogs or websites.

Today I found a great one, and therefor this will be the first one up on this blog.
I have loads of others, and when time permitts it I will go through them and see what others I want to share.

My head is not willing to cooperate with me today, so therefore I need to struggle to write in english. So I will stop now, and try to update here again as soon as the fog in my brain has vanished.

Take care
